I knew that the Omnifuel came with a simple windshield that I was not going to use. I had allready decided to buy a Trangia 25-4 with the following advantages:
- Reliable and sturdy windshield/reflector even in very windy weather
- Possiblity to insert an adapter to fit an Optimus Nova or a Primus Omnifuel ++
- Comes with two pots, a pan and a kettle in a small package
- The windshield is a stable foundation
- The windshield+pot is a nice noise reducer
I was initially thinking of making the adapter for fitting the Omnifuel myself, but decided it was not worth the effort. I bought the original adapter for the Optimus Nova. This was easily fitted to the Omnifuel. I needed to drill a 7,8mm hole in the adapter parts and file a slightly bigger hole on the side of the Trangia windshield.
I bought three different fuels to test the setup: primus gas canister, kerosene/paraffine, and gasoline (naphta) - one fuel for each nozzle.
My conclusions for the different fuels:
- Canisters: Great in the summertime. Clean and simple. Nice simmering.
- Kerosene: Sooting quite a bit compared to the other two. Long preheating (40s). Nice simmering.
- Gasoline: Little sooting, short preaheating (10s), difficult to simmer without extinguishing the flame.
- All fuels had a frightening noise level without the windshield and a pan, but was nicely redused when included.
- The use of gasoline seemed a bit scary initially, but I think this will be a good choice for winter. Arguments that "it's like sitting of on top of an exhaust pipe" (CO etc) yields for all fuels, but the gasoline will probably have less deaerator due to a cleaner burn than kerosene. Allways have in mind, though, that gasoline is like the fast variant of kerosene (heating and preheating). In vaporized form, all fuels will be explosive.